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Legislature wraps up session with Capital Funding


Legislature wraps up session with Capital Funding

At 1:30am on Friday, June 12th, the Ohio House wrapped up their pre-summer recess Session.  Earlier that week on Wednesday, the Senate acted on a number of measures then went home.  While the House for all intents and purposes isn’t schedule to be back until September, the Senate has several additional Session dates for June, and “as needed” dates in July and August.  What has made the past month interesting is the pace of committees and Session's was more like a post-Election Lame Duck with dozens of bills moving through committees and floor votes, the intensity of some of the debates, and the fact that there didn’t seem to be much coordination between the two Chambers on which bills would be moving through the process.  A few items of interest for ACEC Ohio members:




Unfortunately the legislature did not enact the civil immunity for healthcare workers and businesses that these groups were seeking for protection from litigation due to the pandemic.  Both the House (HB 606) and the Senate (SB 308) passed their respective versions to deal with this issue, but recessed before finalizing action, much to the chagrin of medical providers and the business community.  We’ll continue to monitor if the Senate accepts HB 606 before they recess for the summer.

It is possible that, depending on what happens over the summer relative to COVID19, the General Assembly may be back to deal with other issues.  If that occurs we will be sure to keep you advised.
Stay safe & healthy,
Kevin Futryk

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