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ACEC Ohio Legislative Update-June 25, 2021

Ohio Statehouse Update:

SB 49: Payment Assurance The payment assurance bill for design professionals, the ability to lien commercial projects has passed the Ohio House and is awaiting signature by the Governor.  The bill will be effective 90 days after signature.

SB 56: Indemnification Bill Senator Bill Blessing provided Sponsor Testimony on ACEC Ohio's indemnification bill in the House Civil Justice Committee this week. We anticipate the bill being heard after summer recess.

HB 110 GRF Budget: The conference committee continues to meet, the bill must be passed by June 30, 2021.


U.S. Congressional Update:

PPP Loan Forgiveness/FAR update: ACEC continues to ask for member assistance by contacting Congressional members on this issue.  A new webpage has been created at with PPP talking points and links to congressional members. There is also a social media campaign and a week long digital ad on Politico starting June 28th.

A free seminar was held yesterday on "PPP Loan Forgiveness: Updates and Guidance", if you want to see the recording click here.

Bipartisan Infrastructure Agreement-A $1.2 trillion infrastructure package was announced yesterday. Click here to see the framework and pay-fors of the agreement.  The US House will let the US Senate act first on this, ACEC expects the vote to take place in July. 

Surface Transportation/Water Bills: Next week the US House will vote on a combined surface transportation and water package that totals $715 billion – with approximately $550 billion for transportation, $51 billion for wastewater, and $117 billion for drinking water, replacement of lead service lines, and other water needs.  A summary of that package can be found here.






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