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Strategic Plan

ACEC Ohio updates its strategic plan every 3 to 5 years. The purpose of the plan is to elevate ACEC Ohio so it is the recognized advocate by all for the engineering business in Ohio. The plan is reviewed annually to track our progress and make changes if necessary.



ACEC Ohio will be the leading advocate, authority, and voice for the promotion and protection of engineering business in Ohio.



Advocate for the advancement and protection of the engineering business.


Key Goals of the current strategic plan:

  • ACEC Ohio is a critical partner in the support of strategic business interests for member firms.
  • ACEC Ohio is recognized as a welcoming organization where all members are included, involved, and can achieve their full potential.
  • Grow ACEC Ohio membership and influence through broader representation of firms working in engineering and professional services.
  • Members of ACEC Ohio are active and vibrant participants in all aspects of the Council.